First Snowfall

The first snowfall in a late autumn woodlands is a glorious sight! Almost a cleansing of the year’s trials and pains as translucent whiteness slowly overlays the remaining leaves, branches, and grasses.

first snowfall

a white blanket adorned

with reds and golds

©️Al W Gallia 2021

Standing alone amidst this wonderland, I can only marvel at one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind: nature’s beauty. I hear only the faint, pervasive sounds of falling snow, and raising my face to heaven, say “thank you, Lord!”

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Winter – February 4, 2021

8 thoughts on “First Snowfall

  1. Stunning! Nothing more beautiful than snowfall in an autumnal setting. And the sound of snow softly falling is peaceful and soothing. Thank you again for joining in.

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